“Apple boxes” are a necessary item at your studio. They can be purchased, pre-made or you can create your own a lot cheaper.
The hard work is done for you. Below is a diagram of an 8’x4’x3/4” sheet of plywood. I have created the measurements in order to create 6 apple boxes out of a single sheet of plywood.
2- 20”x11 ¾”x9.5”
2- 20”x 11 ¾”x 7.5”
2- 20”x 11 ¾”x either 5.5” or 2 ¼”
You can also get a 2’x4’ piece of plywood and cut Four 20’x11 ¾”x ¾”
This is a great assortment to have. You can always build more if you need them.
Once you have them built, cut holes on the top and bottom of the larger boxes for handles, approx. 5”x1.5”. Also, drill holes on the sides, in order to hang on the pegs on your dead-men dowels. This helps for storage.
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